Monday, February 27, 2006

We'll be here 'til Thursday

So right now I am sitting in HF high school's library. It is not very big, but not very small, not very useful, and not very exciting. It is pretty much a normal place. THere are (obviously) books, internet, and tables with wooden chairs. It is a fairly pleasant place to spend one's gym period when out on "medical" leave. However, today is not just a usual* day in HF's library. Today, there is a book fair! THe book fair, usually featured in elementary schools, holds many exciting and interesting items availiable for purchase. There are books at eigth grade reading levels, erasers shaped like smiley faces, and even a box full of assorted holographic bookmarks! THere are "Hot Picks!" and "Cool Stuff!" as indicated by colorful cardboard signs. All in all, it is quite the fair. I mean, this place is buzzing with action and excitement. THey even have troll pens. Troll pens!! How awesome is that?!? AW man, book fair, you are so cool! (And the best part is, students, my peers, my supposed equals, are buying this crap!) I find all of this rather remarkable.

*"a usual" that correct? Because you use "an" before a word that starts with a vowel, but "an usual" does not work. I think, that because of the "y" sound at the beginning of usual, it must be "a usual". If any of you have knowledge on this subject, do share it with me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Colonial, Ranch, or Split-level? I'm resesrching houses and schools in MD. Here's some of what I found:

My first thought upon the encounter of this website was "Why, it's just like HF! They, too, have a tradition of excellence!" Upon further examination, I discovered that I could join breakdancing club, latin dancing club, German, Italian, or French club, or, my personal favorite, Jewish awareness club. The club's purpose is "to share Jewish heritage and customs with Jewish and non-Jewish students". Gee, that sounds great.I'll bet they get to learn about the Holocaust, too.

Now here's a school I really like. See, I happen to be a person, so I matter! They sure know how gove the people what they want...

My actual favorite is Howard High, who doesn't have a slogan. Maybe that's why I like it. Or maybe, it's because it's the only high school that I"ve looked at to have an AP program. I think, though, it's because of this:

It's by far the coolest house that exists in Columbia, MD (and the surrounding area). It's in the middle of a woods, on tons of land, although if I really feel like chilling in suburbia, it's right outside the forest.
Plus, it is not an ugly vinyl-siding and brick split-level horror. And...check this out

Purple=black people
Blue=(you guessed it) white people

I know that the whites are still a huge majority, but I mean, there are still other ethnic groups represented, more than the other schools, too.

So I guess that's the best I'm going to get. Disappointing, but okay.