Sunday, September 30, 2007

LR Update!

So. I forgot to tell you earlier, but LR sort of talks to me now! An actual conversation follows.

(I walk into class on a test day, to find LR there, flipping frantically through his notes)

Me: So did you study for the test?
LR: A little. (scans notes for highlighted sections)
Me: Is "a little" what you're doing right now?
LR:Nope. I actually studied.
Me: Wow. That's more than I can say.
(LR is still looking at his notes)

Exciting, right? I think we are well on our way to being best buddies.

Maybe you can drive my car

I guess I should write something new for you all. I really don't feel like it, though. I mean, between classes and college applications, I'm pretty much written-out. I would rather cook or shop or flip through magazines or talk, anything so long as it isn't pounding on a keyboard....but here I am. And it's just because I don't want my readers to have abandonment issues.

Lately I've been contemplating learning to drive. I've always had a handy excuse, courtesy of neurally mediated hypotension, not to, but my doctor has esentially given me the go-ahead. So I technically can learn to drive. My other excuse, of waiting until I'm 18, is fast approaching its expiration, too. So I soon may find myself behind the wheel of the family car, which brings me to my next point.

We own a Chrysler Pacifica, a Lexus somethingorother, and a junky Taurus (which is now my sister's). The Pacifica is impossible to manuver, even for a skilled driver, so there's no way I can drive that. The Taurus is at college with my sister, and is basically hers anyway. This leaves the Lexus.

It is not new, it's like a 2003 or something, but it is still kind of fancy and nice, and I get the feeling my parents would not be cool with me wrecking it. So what will I drive? Hmmm....perhaps something else?

So. This has led me to start thinking about cars, something I have never done (well, beyond saying "Ew. that Hummer is ugly"). I have no idea if my parents will buy me a car or not, but a used one is, I'm thinking, not out of the question. So what would I want, say, if they were to buy me a car? The practical answer is obviously a hybrid, like a Prius or something, but I don't know how much that costs/if it would be very cheap used. Instead, I've kind of been lusting after Jeeps.

Wierd, right?

I like the old-school safari style Jeeps, that can probably drive through quicksand and mountains and maybe even upside-down. Like, a real Jeep, all army-inspired and khaki and with a roof that unzips. Only, with suede and wood interiors in a medium brown color....I'm thinking custom, of course.

Actually, I'm thinking maybe I should put down the fashion magazine that is touting utilitarian chic and deal with the prospect of a totally lame used Honda.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

So much depends upon the kid with piercings

Last weekend I cleaned my room, and I was going to take pictures and show you all how clean and nice it was....but I never got around to taking out my camera, and now it's a mess. So that's not happening. Maybe someday, but for today I've given up.

So what am I supposed to tell you about? I've kind of actually done stuff lately, but I don't feel like sitting here and listing off the events of the last ten days. I guess I'll tell you about Lip Ring.

Lip Ring sits next to me environmental science. He, oddly enough, has a lip ring. Hence, the name. LR has sat next to me since the first day of class. He does not have to sit there. He chooses, consistantly, to sit in a corner next to moi. He also chooses, consistantly, not to speak. I don't mean that there's no chatter, or smalltalk, or regular conversation. I mean he does not speak. Ever.

Example of a typical (non)conversation, at the attendance sign-in sheet:

Krissy: "Hey, can I borrow your pen for a sec? I forgot to bring mine up with me."
LR: *hands me pen*
Krissy: "Thanks!"
LR: *blinks*
Krissy: *signs initials, gives back pen* "Thanks again."
LR:*signs initials*

He simply would not speak. He did not nod. It is clear he could hear me, he responded, but entirely without words. I thought he really didn't like me, except that he continued to sit next to me.




I still don't know. But I do know that today, things changed. LR spoke. During a "group quiz", LR spoke to me for the first time in three weeks of sitting next to each other. Sure, he only said "Uh, what'd you get for number eight?", but to me, it mean so much more. It meant that maybe, if I keep working at it, I'll be able to walk into environmental science one day and say "Hey LR. How was your weekend?" and he'll say "Meh. It was pretty cool." and I'll say "Cool." and it will be wonderful.

Almost like having a friend.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Lunch today was splendid

Lamb with pancake sounds utterly unappetizing, doesn't it? Actually, it's not.

Today I had Ethiopian food for the first time, and it was delightful. Everything is served on a large, communal platter, and is eaten not with silverware, but with a velvety bread that was the exact texture of a pancake (it wasn't sweet, though). The food is delicious, a combinated of stewed meat dishes (kind of like Indian), chutney-like salads, stir-frys, and lentils. Heavy on the tumeric, the spicing is otherwise similar to some mild Indian dishes, like Rogan Josh. And eating without utensils was awkward at first, but made for a really intersting experience. I think it would be really fun to go for Ethiopian with a few new friends, or even a date. How better to break the ice than over a platter of foreign food?

I do regret, though, turning down a cup of Ethiopian coffee after the meal.