Sunday, December 09, 2007

If I played the harmonica, I'd write a song called the bloggin' blues. Thankfully, I don't.

Since I've blogged last, I have composed approximately 7 interesting and complete posts, including pictures and links. Unfortunately, they were all in my head, conceived at convenient times/locations like: at 3:30 in the morning, in the bathtub, during a world religion test, while stir-frying vegetables, in the car, while hanging three-foot canvases at work, and during Gossip Girl (which I am NOT about to tear myself away from...shut up). So. Needless to say, none of them quite made it to the internet, and instead were put back on the metaphorical shelves that line my messy closet of a brain.

Alas. They probably were not nearly as good as I imagined them to be, anyway, especially the one I thought SO FREAKING PROFOUND, MAN! at half-past three in the morning.