Monday, March 06, 2006

Theatre kids are such attention whores...

Hmm. I suppose all thespians aren't that bad. I'm actually glad that I did G.I. (Group Interpretation) this year, finally. I was getting really sick of dreading my time spent with theatrical types. I enjoyed rehearsal today, even though we performed for the cast of Contest Play. I dislike performing for people I know. I feel stupid when I do. That being said, the performances for the school later this week should be really fun for me. Oh well, at least G.I. gets me out of class, right?

Ah, well enough theatre-talk. No one wants to hear about it anyway.What do you want to hear about, though? Do you prefer sarcasm-soaked encounters and events, or refelective-thought stuff? What is interesting to you? Should I even be asking that question?

No! No, I shouldn't! This is my blog! I am the author of it, it consists of my thoughts, whatever they may be. I don't have to listen to you, to give you what you want! I can write whatever I want, thanks. You can't influence me, or try to sway me with your comments! Ha! I laugh at comments! I don't need them. I don't need anyone's input or approval for anything! I am independant! Opinionated! I don't need you, you need me!

So, um, comment if want, guys...

Really, I mean, you don't have to. As I expressed earlier, I in no way need your input or attention to fell satisfied with myself.


But if you wanted to comment or something, I can't exactly stop you...

Well, I could, but that would, er, be, um, hindering your right Yes. Individuality. Which is totally what I'm all about.

Right, then. Comment if you wish.

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