Monday, July 24, 2006

I've got a bag of Milanos, a shopping magazine, and an iPod in my carry-on.

For lack of anything better to do, I have devoted my life to Audrey Hepburn-ing.
It makes me happy. Cropped black pants and tailored shirts, sixties evening-wear, and short pixie-ish haircuts....what's not to love? I can sit in my basement and drink cocoa and watch movies and almost forget that I live in the lamest place ever. It's nice. I can hug my poodle and and hum along to corny romance themes that play under the dialouge....and then I can go to my room and read the biographies of Audrey that I keep getting from the library.

It's pathetic, it's a waste of time, and it's fun. So hrmfp. I'll do what I want, bitch!!! (That is me being assertive. Not bad, eh? Note the excessive punctuation.)

Anyhow, I'll be back in Illinois (pronounced in the French manner: eel-ee-nwah) by 9:30 tonight, and for a week, my only unhappiness will come from stressing about not having time to see everyone I want to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do, do do do do DO dodododo DO
Sorry, I was humming a do do...
I can't remember if I was actually going to say anything worthwile in this comment, so I'll just say, HI KRISSY! mucho wuv pour toi.