Friday, December 30, 2005

Greetings from Fabulous Flossmoor!

So...right now I'm watching "La Cage aux Folles" on (you guessed it) PBS. It's pretty much the coolest possible way to spend a Friday night, especially during winter break. But then again, I'm pretty much the coolest possible person...

Oh. I thought of something. (Shocking, no?) I'm getting new glasses. I know, it's a lot to take in all at once. I'm sorry I sprung that on you so suddenly like that. Such earth-shattering news needs to be carefully handled so as to not put my readers into too much of a shock.Please accept my apologies for my insensitive and reckless approach. Anyway, they are slightly cooler (I think) than what I have now, but they are not that interesting. My mother wouldn't let me get dark, or artsy, or fancy hipster-type glasses, which I thought would have been far more amusing, not to mention making my parents uneasy. She also is continuing her crusade for contacts, which I am not all too eager to get. Oh well, I actually don't care too much. Just so long as I can see...

Well, as usual, I've got nothing too interesting to say. Have lovely new years, all.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


By now you must know that I was in Michigan, with various relatives, for the past week. I was going to tell you all about what happened, etc., but I don't feel like it. Here's the highlight of the week:

In case you were wondering, that was my sister Kylie and me, when we went with Peter (cousin) to have light-saber duels in the street. (that was just a "pblicity-shot" we took in the driveway. The duels are on video.)

Other than that, I don't feel like talking about winter break too much. It hasn't been all that it was promised to be, and I'm kind of upset about that. I'm also kind of upset that I went into Wal-Mart this week. I am very anti-Wal-Mart, but my aunt made me. Peter took an amusing picture though, and I guess the random crap we found there (like fuzzballs with eyes and removable skin) made it somewhat worth it. Still, Je n'aime pas Wal-mart.

Well, I'll post again soon. Right now, though, I've got some catching up to do.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

If you aren't Sophie and you're reading this... thanks. Actually, if you are Sophie, thank you as well.

So...I have a blog now. I don't really know what to do with myself. You will note that I have, with the kind aid of my friend's photobucket account, added a profile picture. It is, not surprisingly, of me. It is, surprisingly, not an abosolutely horrible picture. I'm kind of freaked out by the exposed wrist, but since it's a very small picture, I think I can handle it.

I guess I really wasn't paying attention to life today, because I really don't remember a whole lot about today. The only really memorable bit was choir, wherein Sophie, Tori, Rachel, Tori II, and I discussed "The Superb Owl", a replacement, quite a good one, too, for the superbowl. It is a long and wondeful story, one that I do not wish to type out for you, whoever you are, so I apologize for mentioning it and then letting you down like that. I guess I'm a jerk. I will tell you that it involved promoting world peace through Carnivale-like festivities (if that's what you'd call them). Really, if you must know the details, I suggest you take your inquiries to Sophie's blog, for she can probably explain the whole mess with much less effort and clumsiness.

Anyhow, that's really all that I can remember happening. I think I went to some theater-oriented meeting after school, because that's kind of where I always end up going, but to tell the truth, the details are all rather foggy. Like I said, I really wasn't paying attention to today. With that, I shall conclude.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Frustrating Fourth Attempt...

Ugh. Every time I've checked back to the page after it elling me that it sucessfully published, nothing new was there. Did it or did it not publish? Is it just lying to me? First, it prevents me from typing at all, then it lets me type, but won't publish... why does my computer suck so much?

A Thrid Attempt at Posting

Hmmm...a click to "Edit Html", and it's letting me type. I may be on to something! If this works, screw xanga!

It does! I have a functioning blog! This puts a whole new perspective on things...

I may switch completely to blogger, and abandon my xanga, because (sorry if these are offensive generalizations to anyone) a.)xanga is just one big teenaged angst-fest. and b.)the majority of xanga's users are not particularly proficient writers, or are just flat-out stupid. the only thing is, I'm kind of attactched to my xanga. As much as I sort of hate some of my previous posts, because I sounded like an idiot, or because I really don't want to remember what was going on in my life at that time, I'm still kind of attatched to it. It's like a journal, and I guess I don't want to just throw it away. True, I can always just go back and read it, it's not like I'm deleting it, but I kind of feel like the thing just dies if you don't keep it up. Oh well, I'll worry about this later.

Wow. My first real blogger rant. I feel so smart and witty...