Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wouldn't it be nice if I were inetresting?

Yet again, I'm coming to you live from HF's school library! Yes, the book fair is still going, and yes, they still (remarkably) have troll pens left for purchase. I suggest,though, that you seize this opportunity while it lasts, because there's another class coming in right now, and I'm getting the feeling that trool pens are going to be a pretty hot commodity. All sarcasm aside, people really do like the troll pens. Seriously. I mean, at first I thought the idea of people wanting one was just funny, but appartantly Schoolastic knows what they're doing. Just yesterday in my AP Euro class, I overheard a girl saying "Hey you know that book fair, they've got those troll pens... I totally want one. Will you lend me money so I can get one?...Pleeeease, they're so cool!" So yeah. People actually want this stuff.

In other library news, there is a large, inflated dome behind the reference section. The dome is maybe fifteen feet across and ten feet high. It is silvery-gray, and does not seem to be serving any purpose. There is no indication nearby of what the dome may be there for, and no students or staff members have approached it since I've been here. Perhaps it is a side attraction of the bookfair, or possibly a new, advanced, referance media that allows the student to step insidew the inflatable dome, and experiance a 360-degree holographic projection featuring up-to-the-minute information from credible researchers worldwide, as well and audio and video clips that would greatly enhance a student's research. Probably not, though. But really, I've no idea what the "dome" is.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw that dome. I was all like... ? and I was like HA! The book fair, so i bought you something really cool. (sarcasm) It was a fortune, so you better like it. (35 cents) ^_^ It's actually not a cool lame present. I apologize for my lack of money. LOL. ANd no... Sadly, it's not a troll pen. XD
see ya pooky (I hope)

Anonymous said...

hey super K
It's tori. I am bored in journalism so i'm going to write you a fantastic letter/comment/ thingy. Yay! I bet you are excited dear friend. Come on, you know you are. So, I didn't go to the book fair. And do you know why? No, because if you did you'd be telling me instead of me telling you and for a student to tell his teller is presumption and rude. (Sorry to quote Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory there.) Wait, what was I talking about? Crap, oh well. I hope you enjoyed this letter and I shall be writing again, my dear sickly friend.
P.S. I think you should ditch the library for C lunch in north.

Anonymous said...

Zomg. I totally saw that dome and pondered it's meaning and origins. I wanted to touch it sooooooooooooo bad. And that's pretty bad, man.

Comment on my blog bitch. -_-

Anonymous said...

It was there last year too, and it looks like a mini version of the soccer dome... or like an igloo.

K. said...

...And no one has commented on my spelling of interesting yet? Inetresting...