Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Krissy reaches a new low

Before I come out and say it, I want to establish a few things:

1. I still dislike being white.
2. I still dislike (as a whole) white people.
3. I still dislike WASPS.
4. I still dislike my recent tendency to continue getting WASPier.

Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. You see, and please don't hate me for it, I

1. have decided that J. Crew is almost my new favorite store (it was a close tie with Banana Republic)
2. bought myself a leather and linen handbag for far too much money
3. wear white cropped pants and a grosgrain ribbon belt at least every other week.
4. wear heels to the grocery store

And, worst of all,

5. saw a coach bag in the store and intend to buy it, despite the fact that A) It is Coach, and I hate Coach, as well as people who like Coach. B) I will be wasting 118 dollars on it.

Please. Still talk to me. I know it will never be the same, but I didn't mean to like it! It just happened! I only wish I had never seen it, and that we all could return to the happy days of my Coach loathing. But we can't. I've already seen it, and wanted it, and decided that it would go really nicely with my black wool coat. All I can say is that I'm sorry.

If it's any consolation, it is black, which automatically makes apparel better, and because of that, you cannot so clearly see the little "C" design printed all over it. I know, I know, it's the principal of the thing, but face it, kids, things have changed.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what you wear dear, you are still Krissy. It doesn't matter what surrounds you, you are still Krissy.

Get out and find the things you are bound to enjoy. The cool things are there, they are just hiding behind all the stupid things. Think about your stereo typical white person, think about the show black/white. The black mom dressed up white and went out to find some white friends. She tried a bible study and a scrapbooking group. That must be what whites do huh? Look behind the scrapbooing and bible study to find the community theatre, artists, thinkers, and other cool cats. If nothing else, get a camera and go out and take pictures of this new phase of life. Find the little things that make it more interesting than what you see at face value. You have a pretty long list of what is WRONG with your situation, but I've yet to hear much about what is RIGHT. My life has alot of bad things, things that make me cry every night, but that doesn't stop me from going out and hanging out and having fun and meeting people.

Hang in there gal, I'll love you no matter how much you change (unless you become a bitch, cua that would be just..not nice)

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Coach. *shakes you*

I do like white crop pants though.

Wearing heels to the grocery store is silly. However, wearing heels to put things in the mailbox is totally normal. You should do that. It's fun.

Anonymous said...

Aly said..

I don't care what you like and dislike, no matter what i'm going to be you're friend. Material things don't affect me, it's the person wearing the clothes and using the stuff that i'm caring about, i just don't care, if you like something, you like something... whatever. I think that like our friends and stuff are just so... OMG! I get it! I know i'm rambling and i know i'm not making sense, but like... wow... okay....

Anonymous said...

hey, don't feel bad about it. I too have recently given in to what the kids today call pop culture. I, however, have sucked in my lip and proudly displayed my conform-ed-ness to the world. Well, not really. Read my newest blog entry to find out what I mean.
(Haha, you see what that is? That my friend is suspenseful advertising! You are going to have to visit my blog and comment in order to figure out what I am talking about.)
Miss you, Dahling.

Anonymous said...

umm I like Coach.