Thursday, December 29, 2005


By now you must know that I was in Michigan, with various relatives, for the past week. I was going to tell you all about what happened, etc., but I don't feel like it. Here's the highlight of the week:

In case you were wondering, that was my sister Kylie and me, when we went with Peter (cousin) to have light-saber duels in the street. (that was just a "pblicity-shot" we took in the driveway. The duels are on video.)

Other than that, I don't feel like talking about winter break too much. It hasn't been all that it was promised to be, and I'm kind of upset about that. I'm also kind of upset that I went into Wal-Mart this week. I am very anti-Wal-Mart, but my aunt made me. Peter took an amusing picture though, and I guess the random crap we found there (like fuzzballs with eyes and removable skin) made it somewhat worth it. Still, Je n'aime pas Wal-mart.

Well, I'll post again soon. Right now, though, I've got some catching up to do.


Anonymous said...

I miss you, Krissy! *tear*

I am so jealous of those lightsabers. I take it you got your digital camera? Is it any good? I'm considering getting a blogger. Unfortunately, I lack any sort of humor that is even remotely interesting to blog with. I know from 'sperience.

Anonymous said...

I haven't got my camera yet, my immediate family has yet to open presents. I say you get a blog anyway, too.