Friday, March 28, 2008

Why Why Why Do I feel compelled to intellectually prove myself?

Tomorrow I need to write a research paper to be presented at an undergraduate philosophy conference alongside seniors from such legitimate institutions as Johns Hopkins. Who are philosophy majors. And much smarter than me. Who didn't just sign up because their religion professor flattered them. Also: they may have done legitimate research/know what they are talking about. The official program of this conference, for which I am not even close to being prepared for, follows:

Villa Julie College

presents the

8th Annual Undergraduate Conference

Bodies Sacred and


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

St. Paul Companies Pavilion

Sponsored by the

Humanities & Public History Department

9:00 Registration and refreshments

9:15 Welcome, Dr. Paul Lack, Vice-President and Academic Dean of Villa Julie College

Introduction: Alex Hooke, Conference Chair

9:30-10:15 Session I: Sacrifice and Alienation

Moderator: Esther Horrocks, (Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies, Villa Julie College)

1. Salmah Y. Rizvi (Senior, Anthropology/International Relations

Johns Hopkins University)

“On Suicide Bombers”

2. Keith Burton (Senior, Philosophy,Towson University)


3. Celsus Robert (Senior, Social Relations/Criminal Justice, Cheyney University)

“Should Juveniles Be Treated as Adults in Criminal Matters?”

10:15-11:00 Session II: Beauty

Moderator: (Christine Noya, 3.

1. Chipo Siantumba (Junior, Business Adm., Cheyney)

“The Human Body: A Canvas of Artistic Expressions”

2. Elizabeth Cucchiella (Junior, Interdisciplinary Studies, Villa Julie College)

“Grin and Bare It: The Face of the Exotic Dancer”

3. Stuart Knazik, (Sophomore, Philosophy/Religious Studies, Howard CC)

“Every Breath We Breathe is a Miracle: The Visionary Work of Alex Grey”

11:00-11:45 Session III: Affirmations and Violations

Moderator: Ann Arbaugh (Alumni, Accountant, Villa Julie College)

1. Jennifer Pecor (Junior, Philosophy, The College of Notre Dame)

“Environmental Existentialism and the Human Body”

2. Annmicha Blugh (Junior, English, Morgan State University)

“Sanctity and Violation of the Body in Christianity and Islam”

3. Virginia Petrucci (Junior, Interdisciplinary Studies/Film, Villa Julie),

“Friends as Meals”

11:45–12:15 BREAK Presentation of Certificates

Lunch provided for presenters and their guests

12:15–1:00 Session IV: Images and IDEAS

Moderator: Robert Chee-Mooke (Asst. Professor of Philosophy, Villa Julie)

1. Kia-Lillian Hayes, (First year graduate student, Masters of Professional Studies Program , Georgetown University)

”” Blatant Lies and Intentional Deception: Media and Moral Obligations”

2. Choshena Bhagwandin (Senior, Chemistry, Villa Julie) ”

“The Perfect Smile”

3. Kristen Carpenter (Sophomore, General Studies, Howard CC)

“Physicians and Friars; How Greek Science and Early Christianity Shaped the Medieval Woman”

1:00–1:40 SESSION V: Sexes/Objects/Toys/Cyborgs

A Goucher College Panel Discussion

1. Derek Ford, (Senior, Philosophy)

"Cyborgs in Exodus"

2. Rachel Wilkins, (Senior, Philosophy)

“The Historicity and Re-Writing of the Sexed Body, Sex Toys and Sexual


3. Michelle Kurta, (Senior, Peace Studies)

“The Pregnant Body, The Docile Body, The Useful Body”

1:40-2:00 Session VI: Panel on Location and Space

Moderator: Richard C. Monk (Professor of Criminal Justice, Retired, Coppin)

1. Chioma Uqwveabulem (Junior, Communication/English, Cheyney)

“The Feminine Body in the Igbo’s Perspective”

2. Jeremy Mann (Junior, Mass Communication, Towson)

‘Homecoming: A Personal Inquiry Into Location, Space and Angst”

2:00–2:45 SESSION VI: Powers of The Gaze

1. Chidi Okpalaoquchi (Junior, CIS/Mathmatics, Cheyney)

“The Influence of the Eyes on Moral Perception and Inclination”

2. Jessica Rachid (Senior, Interdisciplinary Studies, Villa Julie)

‘I See Me”

3. Kyla Bender- Baird, (Master’s Candidate, Women’s Studies,Towson)

“Gender Anxiety and Abject Bodies”


Moderators; Manminder Singh, Kellie Smith (Seniors, Science, Co-Chairs of Philosophy Club, Villa Julie College)

Alphonso Lingis (Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University)

“Love Junkies”

Woo! It's a good thing I am so experienced with will come in handy, I'm sure.

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